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This article refers to an inquest into the death of George Iles (60) of Hanbury Buildings, Poplar, who was injured by a rush of the crowd during the general strike some three years prior to his death.

Manchester Guardian

Tuesday 03 December 1929


Death of Man Injured in Truncheon Charge

An injury received in a truncheon charge during the general strike of 1926 lead to the death on Saturday of George Iles (60), a dock labourer of Hanbury Buildings, Poplar.

At the inquest at Poplar yesterday Mrs Alice Dell said that she saw her father in hospital two days after he was injured and he said 'I was standing on the corner of Lower North Street, Poplar when the charge was made. I was knocked on to the kerb. I got up and ran into the middle of the road, when I was knocked down again. I ran into a shop and hid behind the door until the trouble was over.'

A son said that his father did not allege that anyone had knocked him down but said that he was thrown to the ground by the rush of the crowd.

Dr Eagan said that death was due to tuberculosis and in his opinion the fractured ribs Iles received during the charge was a predisposing factor in causing tuberculosis.

A verdict of accidental death was recorded.

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